Research > Current Projects
Number of projects : 7

수요응답형 공유 모빌리티 및 로봇 운영을 위한 Vehicle 할당 및 경로계획 연구

’24.01 ~ ’24.12 (12 months)
Funded by SimulTech Co., LTD
#Vehicle dispatching and routing #Reinforcement learning-based simulation


실외 과수 환경에서 연속 과실 수확과 운반이 가능한 농작업 로봇 플랫폼 개발
’24.01 ~ ’26.12 (36 months)
Funded by MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
Collaborated with Hankyong National University
#Robotic optimal path planning #Digital twin-based robotics operations

미래 기술 적응형 통합수중감시 특화연구센터

수중감시정보 융합기술 연구
’23.11 ~ ’29.10 (72 months)
Funded by KRIT (Korea Research Institute for defense Technology)
Collaborated with Sejong University
#Multi-source/channel/acoustics analysis #Integrated simulator development

클라우드 기반 디지털 엔지니어링 통합 빅데이터 구축

GIS 데이터 분석 및 AI 기반 최적경로 추천 알고리즘 연구
’23.09 ~ ’24.06 (10 months)
Funded by KITECH (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology)
Collaborated with TimeSoft Co., LTD
#Engineering service development #GIS data-driven path planning

미래 스마트웨어 제조를 위한 마이크로팩토리 기반기술 개발

스마트웨어 디지털트윈 구축
’23.03 ~ ’25.12 (34 months)
Funded by KITECH
#Manufacturing modeling and simulation #Digital twins federation development

산업인공지능 전문인력양성사업

’22.03 ~ ’24.02 (24 months)
Funded by KIAT (Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology)
Collaborated with College of Computing in Hanyang University
#Industrial artificial intelligence #Human resource development

군집 무인수상정 운용기술 개발

체계연동 및 성능평가 SW 개발
'19.12 ~ '24.11 (59 months)
Funded by ADD
Collaborated with KAIST, Seoul National University, and Hanwha Systems, etc.
#Swarm control of USVs (Unmanned Surface Vehicle) #Heterogenous systems interoperation